I love a visual solution. One simple thought conveying a point in an interesting way. To convey books being abandoned and collecting dust over time, we wondered if the books and DVDs themselves could have aged.
What better way to show a book aging than to show the covers and titles changing over time. We often have guerrilla tactic ideas but it’s exciting when you finally get to execute them and develop a well-rounded campaign including digital ads, TV and radio. The posters and open-book clings were hung and stuck along Greenville’s main street. The rental DVD coasters and rental kiosks were placed in and outside some local bars and restaurants.
The campaign was a big boost in awareness and increased the total revenue at the book sale by 50%. The work won multiple Addy Awards (both locally and regionally) and multiple Special Judges awards, plus a feature on Ad Age’s Creativity Online.
Art directed while at Jackson Marketing.